The Hanged Man – XII

The Hanged Man is the Spirit of the Mighty Waters and is ruled by the Element of Water. It represents letting go, new perspectives and breaking through old patterns. When The Hanged Man appears in a reading, he signifies the time has come to finally release old...

King of Cups

The King of Cups is also Prince of the Chariot of the Waters and is aligned with the Water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. This King represents mastery of the emotional realm and has a well-developed intuitive side. He is not particularly demonstrative, rather...

The Hanged Man – XII

The Hanged Man is known as the Spirit of the Mighty Waters and aligned with the Element of Water. Being of Water, the meaning of this card is hard to catch and hold. It represents sacrifice, and willing sacrifice at that. In mythology, this card is linked to the...

Page of Cups

The Page of Cups is the Princess of the Waters and the Lotus of the Palace of the Floods - she is aligned with the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. She represents new emotional territory and self trust. She will bring you emotional freedom if you let her,...

Queen of Cups

Of all the court cards, the Queens bring maturity, composure and understanding to the table. The Queen of Cups can be a psychic sponge, and the danger for her is taking on the feelings and emotional burdens of others without a clear way to delineate what she can  keep...