The Sun is the Lord of the Fire of the World. Surely this is one of the finest cards of the Tarot deck, and its appearance is anticipated and wished for by all who hope for success.
It represents love fulfilled, potential realised, and the hopeful promise that keeps our faces turned towards the future.
The Sun is the centre of light, warmth and life. It is all powerful and is closely tied with the creative power of our world. Its colour is gold, and the creation of gold from base metals was the aim of the ancient alchemists which pointed to not only material wealth but spiritual wealth also.
On a basic level, the appearance of The Sun in a reading brings success, warmth and energy to your work, relationships, health and finances.
The Sun is a masculine principle, representing the ability to move towards one's goals and be very focused on succeeding to that end. It allows us to be motivators, creators and stimulators creating positive change.
What you have been striving towards is about to reap benefits for you and yours. Â It also brings good news in regards to children.
There is joy and vitality, and the promise of renewal. The Sun is rising for you and is a powerful symbol of the divinity within us.
The shadows of the past are dispelled, the dark night of the Soul has passed, and you emerge into the light of day full of optimism, hope and energy for a new phase of your life. It also indicates that you will serve as a beacon and inspiration to others, as your energy will be positive and attractive.
Visualise The Sun as the source of light and love in your heart - feel its presence grow within and through you.
Image Voyager Tarot