Known as the Children of the Voice and Oracle of the Mighty Gods, The Lovers is ruled by Gemini and represents divine union, consequences of choice and reconciliation of opposites.
The Lovers is one of those cards in the tarot that many hope to see as they believe it signifies the arrival of true love.
But Love is not so simple as that - it is the beginning of the discovery of our other nature, the realisation of the qualities that we believe we are missing and the sacred union that reconciles the divided whole.
It is no wonder that love is so fraught with despair and simultaneously imbued with delight when you consider what is at stake.
The Lovers represents a choice that must be made, often between the satisfaction of what the heart desires and the head demands. The Heart does not regard commonsense and practicalities in pursuit of happiness, where the Head will always throw up hurdles and reasons to take a sensible stance and delay the realisation of bliss.
And so this is a recipe for conflict, which is also embodied in the sign of Gemini. This is the journey of the Twins, appearing in myth and fairytale in such characters as the mortal Castor & the immortal Pollux; Hansel & Gretel; the Prince & the Pauper; and the Navajo Monster Slayer & his brother Born of Water. The twins are opposites and yet inseparable, and speaks to the journey to wholeness we all must take. This yearning for wholeness is most often realised through union with our 'better half'.
But the underlying differences between the opposites are also a cause for great conflict and trouble, so this journey is often accompanied by difficulty, confusion and struggle.
The thing to do is to value the opposite nature that both attracts and repels. It is often the very qualities that we find attract us to a partner are also the first things we try to change. Is it any wonder that love is never an easy occupation.
Traditionally the card of The Lovers will bring a new love interest or the opportunity to discover something new in an existing relationship which will take it to a new level.
Image Voyager Tarot