The Hermit – IX

The Hermit is ruled by Virgo, and represents finding one's inner source of fulfilment and clarity. This card is sometimes referred to as the Prophet of the Eternal and the Magus of the Voice of Power.

He heralds a time when you need to cease seeking answers out in the world, and instead turn within and seek out your own personal truth, which is different for everyone. The Hermit with his lamp signifies that we need to shine our light into our dark places, or in other words our Unconscious, to find the source of our being and ultimately the meaning of our life.

We spend the best part of our early lives finding our place in the world - where we fit in,  what we should be doing, what our external world means, who we are relating to and how to get on.

And so The Hermit represents our need to turn within and find out what it is that makes us unique, what our particular path is in life and what our personal purpose is. It is a time when we must withdraw from the concerns of the world and cease to be diverted by comparatively trivial concerns of day to day living.

It is the start of the inner journey towards personal growth and development, and when it is embarked on with respect and earnestness, will change your view of the world forever.

Not everyone will heed the call of The Hermit nor have the focus or fortitude to follow his light, and that's ok too. It takes commitment and strength and a certain toughness of will to go within and face the shadow parts of ourselves, because that is what this is really about.

The rewards for doing so, however, far exceed any material riches you can imagine. Many a rich man has failed to understand himself and so sadly feels the echo of an empty life.  Many a person has been surrounded by crowds and yet felt utterly lonely. When you can stand naked and alone and feel enriched by your understanding of your own being, your own strengths, then you will understand that no amount of riches can even touch that.

Ask yourself - am I lonely when I am alone? This is a time to seek aloneness, which does not equate to loneliness at all.

Image Voyager Tarot

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