The Six of Wands is also called the Lord of Victory. It is aligned with Jupiter in Leo and represents success, teamwork and fulfilled desires.
Jupiter brings expansion, luck and realisation to Leo, who is all about creativity, insight and achievement of personal success.
This card accompanies breakthroughs in creative endeavours, since the Wands represent manifestion of ideas. When the energy of art is honoured, and the work is done, then the results will speak for themselves and the rewards appear quickly and are most welcome.
Opportunities to experience expansion, win-win situations and revitalisation in any area of your life where creativity and self-expression is important.
Expect recognition for your efforts now as your striving and hard work has not been unnoticed as perhaps you believed. You have taken a risk to achieve what is most important to you, and while the waiting has been excruciating, now with your victory comes the spoils. Nothing ever came to those who played it safe and risked nothing.
If there is a cherished wish you hold in relation to some achievement that is not yet in evidence, then this card is an indication that what you are wanting is on its way and having it come to you will be unexpected but welcome.
Occasionally this card can mean that your past achievements and pride in what you consider your unique abilities can complicate your relationships with others and perhaps cause jealousy and other misunderstandings.
More often this card brings welcome tidings - whether in your work, love life, finances or health, this Six is there to give you cause for celebration and much joy.
Image Voyager Tarot