Six of Pentacles

As the Lord of Earned Success, the Six of Pentacles is aligned with the energy of Moon in Taurus and represents the fruition of effort, the realised manifestation of potential, and deep appreciation of material comforts.

This card brings material success, earthly manifestation of the rewards that one has been working towards, and good karma with money.

This is a card of generosity, of beneftis received but also bestowed. Look for advantages granted as reward for effort, but also keep in mind you may have the opportunity to be a benefactor to others, by sharing your own good fortune and knowledge.

The Six of Pentacles does not only refer to money or finances, however. It can also signify practical help through ideas, introductions, referrals or material benefits.

This card refers to the cycle of giving and receiving - often we are in the position of the receiver, until we are in a position to be the giver.

There are benefits in both sides of the equation. The joy one feels when one can assist others brings even more prosperity, since money and resources love nothing better than to be put to use.

And the relief and gratitude one feels in being the benefactor of good will and practical assistance as well as everything in life that we normally take for granted, is the secret to real prosperity and happiness in life that few have come to realise and utilise.

There is also the aspect of acuity in knowing when charity is called for, when it is adequate and when it is squandered.  This card brings the ability to distinguish what is the proper proportion and how to prosper yourself whilst helping those who are less fortunate but who can grow the help that is extended.

By the same token, it is the skill to take small amounts of resources and make them into something lasting and worthwhile.

It is time to be aware to the good in your life and to show gratitude and confidence in what is possible for the future.

Image Voyager Tarot

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