Six of Cups

Known as the Lord of Pleasure and aligned with Sun in Scorpio, this card represents nostalgia, a yearning for a simpler time when life was uncomplicated, and an appreciation of joy and pleasure.

The Sun is the ego, the centre and the life-force and when placed in Scorpio gives a passionate appreciation and lust for life as well as an empathy with the past, no matter how painful or bittersweet.

When the Six of Cups turns up in a reading, it is time to learn the lessons of the past while being careful not to dwell there. It may point to a return to a simpler way of living, and a simpler way of living.

Life is complicated enough, and as time and age creep up it seems that things become ever more complex and harder to understand. But it need not be so. Look at how a child embraces the day, with enthusiasm and wonder. The ability to face the future with joy and anticipation is available to anyone, and is the secret to true happiness. Children have so much to teach us.

Do not be caught up in regrets of what might have been, nor yearn too much for the glamour and thrills of days gone by. Remember the happy days, to be sure, and yet don't forget to live in the present.

The ability to find true happiness is equated with one's ability to be present to your life as it is now and your relationships with others.

There is a need to declutter and simplify your life now. A good time to sort through all those items, memories and beliefs you have collected over the years and which have been collecting dust. Take them all out of storage, blow the dust and grime off them, decide which ones you will keep and which ones you will release and welcome a renewal of energy and purpose in your life.

Image Voyager Tarot

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