Seven of Pentacles

Known also as the Lord of Success Unfulfilled and aligned with Saturn in Taurus, the Seven of Pentacles represents hesitation and resignation through fear of failing.

Saturn represents restriction and fear, and Taurus represents physical manifestation and as a fixed sign, a slowness to take on change and new ideas. So this card is saying that there has been fear, either real or imagined - it has the same effect - that prevents you from making tangible changes and therefore your desired progress.

You have been working hard to achieve your desires and have seen little encouragement or results from your efforts - this disheartens you and allows the fear to arise that you will never succeed.

Perhaps there have been disappointments or injustices that have marred your progress and so you have decided that nothing will work. This is an illusion that must be resisted.

In all areas there is a fear of losing or not succeeding - and remember, fear stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. When we let fear dictate our lives, then we are protected in a perverse way from putting ourselves out there and perhaps failing again.

You need to make a list of all the areas that you need results in and make two columns for each. In one column, write out you worst fears and in the other, its complete opposite.

Focus on the opposite and begin to live in that space. Make it your primary focus and gradually release the fear side. The secret of life is that you create what you focus on the most. Let go of focusing on what you have lost or might lose, and instead begin to see yourself in possession of what you want.

So there is much you can do in matters of finances, health and relationships - this card advises that with much care, patience and diligence, you will succeed.

Traditionally, the Seven of Pentacles is the farmer's card. It says you need to prepare the soil, sow the seeds, water and care for the results you want to produce, and above all, have patience. With all of these ingredients you will succeed. The farmer focuses on his healthy growing crop, not worrying about the seeds in the ground or the storms that may come. In this way he helps his hopes and dreams come to fruition, and so must you.

Image Voyager Tarot

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