Queen of Pentacles

Known also as the Queen of the Thrones of Earth, the Queen of Pentacles represents fruitfulness, plenty and overcoming a barren past. She brings a bounty of riches, health and steadiness to those who have struggled and passed through a long period of deprivation and loss.

This Queen is linked to the Earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - she is practical and down t earth, sensual and generous. She represents the goddesses of the hearth, marriage and childbirth,, and the spirits that guard the home and family.  She is compassionate, but in a practical way - she is no bleeding heart. She can see what needs to be done in a moment, and she steps in with no fuss and gets the job done.

She can be stubborn and a little selfish if you get on the wrong side of her, and shame on you if you do, because her natural state is that of loyalty, generosity and practical help.

Being a Court Card, when the Queen of Pentacles turns up in a reading it can mean an actual person, either you or someone who is or will be important to you, or it can mean that the qualities that define this Queen are qualities that you possess and need to bring out in yourself more at this time.

On an abstract level, she comes to tell you that you need to pamper yourself a little, reacquaint yourself with those small luxuries that make you feel special and valued, and seek out relationships that value you as a woman and someone worthy and valued for your strengths as well as for your weaknesses.

Where have you been neglecting yourself, especially in areas of your health? It is time for you to honour yourself and your body, take care of yourself with right thinking, healthy diet and daily exercise. Getting out into nature will be restorative to you and bring you back to the simple pleasures of life. The key to moving ahead is to first and foremost value yourself first. Others can only value us as much as we value ourselves.

"Men are from Earth, women are from Earth. Deal with it." - George Carlin

Image Voyager Tarot @thetarotclub.com

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