Page of Wands

Here we have the Page of Wands, who is also referred to as the Princess of the Shining Flame and Rose of the Palace of Fire. This Page represents creative beginnings, optimism and a quickening in the pace of life.

Intuitive guidance and original ideas accompany the appearance of this card and it is often the case that new people will also appear in your life as the creative aspects of this energy play out.

Wands are about movement - being of the Element of Fire, there is no procrastination here. It is all about an urge for change, excitement and new possibilities.

When the Page turns up in your life as a person (which is often the case) it is a young spirit that is urging you to brush the cobwebs away from your stagnant thinking and start to consider the benefits of using your insight and intuitive senses to light a fire under your projects and your plans.

This is delightful to contemplate - often we cannot see for ourselves how to create change and revolution, but by observing those who have a natural ability and impulse towards enthusiasm and a refusal to be stifled by convention, we learn something of how to embrace change and progress in our own lives.

On an abstract level, this Page brings news, change and movement in areas of career, travel and anywhere communication is important. Swift resolutions to matters that have perhaps been stalled are now possible, and the effect is usually surprising and welcome.

It is time for a change, for you to embrace your creativity and stop playing it safe. Change that is resisted has a tendency to come anyway, and the degree to which you embrace or resist will be the degree to which you rejoice or suffer - which will it be?

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

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