The Judgement card is ruled by Pluto and known as the Spirit of the Primal Fire and aligned with the Element of Fire. It represents new directions, rebirth and redemption.
Pluto is the ruler of the Underworld, and symbolically represents the treasures buried in the deep unconscious. This would signify that there are gifts that are buried deep within that we are unaware of, but which we have the opportunity to bring to the surface and to benefit from.
Transformation is another term for renewal, and it tells us that the tale is never told, it is never over and we always have a chance to turn things around. It takes a willing heart, a dedication to do the work and courage to look at our deepest desires and drives.
The Judgement card is a really positive card and tells you that if you just trust your own judgement, coming from a place of your Soul rather than your Ego, that you will always make the right decision. This is not something that you should rush - take the time to notice those times in your life when you seemed to be connected to an energy that is affirming and things just work for you.
Judgement is about reaping the rewards of what we have put into our life. If we have been focused, diligent and connected to our vision, then this card comes along to affirm that the rewards are coming. If we haven't been quite so consistent, then all is not lost, still. We get a second chance to start again, from a wider viewpoint.
This card can confront you with the results of situations where you haven't faced your own truth - perhaps you have sold yourself short in order to please someone else, or have refused the call to what you know your life's purpose is - if that is the case, you will be made aware that it has not gone unnoticed, but you will always have the opportunity to start again, from a wiser and more willing perspective.
What actions can you take to gain a wider perspective and a deeper understanding of your life's purpose?
Image Voyager Tarot