Four of Pentacles

Known also as the Lord of Earthly Power, the Four of Pentacles is aligned with Sun in Capricorn. The Sun is the life force, the ego and what is also one's essence, while Capricorn represents achievement, social responsibility and capricious use of resources. This combination has us associate with achievements, both tangible and those that are not so obvious.

Four is a foundational number, and a number of consolidation and so it represents the gathering of material resources - money, recognition, property and other tangible goods. It is a time when you can feel pleased with having made material progress and with the evidence of your efforts in the rewards you can see and touch.

The danger with this card is that of clinging too tightly to what you have accumulated. When resources are gathered and not circulated, it causes a stagnation in energy and so what you have worked so hard to achieve will either be frittered away or hoarded and be of no use to you or to anyone else.

In order to grow our resources, we have to put them to work and this is something you need to consider in your future if you want peace of mind and happiness.

Sometimes we make the mistake of equating our possessions with our own sense of self-value and esteem, and if this occurs then we can put material priorities ahead of personal and family priorities. No matter how much we accumulate, somehow it is never enough unless we have a solid sense of our own innate worth. This time is a great opportunity to do some inner work on finding the gold within yourself, and not look for it in the outer world, nor hold it in too high esteem when it comes your way.

Traditionally this card indicates an increase in responsibility and status, and the attending financial rewards that go with it. These rewards are not large but over time will improve your situation

"All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost..."J.R.R.Tolkien

Image Voyager Tarot

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