Five of Cups

Known also as the Lord of Loss in Pleasure, and aligned with Mars in Scorpio, the Five of Cups represents unfulfilled desires, past regrets and unforeseen disturbances. Mars is Fire and rules assertiveness and challenges, and placed in the watery Scorpio the result is that the fires of your enthusiasm are dampened, and fears of betrayal and not having all the facts creates an atmosphere of uncertainty and suspicion. Actions created out of this situation cause pain and suffering, and yet it is mostly unwarranted.

There is a feeling of sadness and loss over seeing a situation more clearly than you wanted to. The wool has been removed from your eyes and now you are facing the truth of the moment, which is what you have been shielding from yourself and refusing to look at. Often this card will appear when a friend or love interest has let you down in some way, but this letting down comes as a result of putting that person on a pedestal, so that when you realise they are only human after all, you see it as a betrayal of your faith and love.

One thing is for certain with this Five - a valuable learning is available if you wish to search for it and use it. The seed is contained in this situation to save it, and to build a strong foundation of mutual regard and trust, however it requires that you cease to pursue perfection - usually in others, but sometimes in yourself - as perfection does not exist. But if you can take people as they are, with all their faults and idiosyncrasies as well as for their positive traits, you are on your way to maturity and a deeper sense of happiness and stability.

The opportunity has arrived for you to release the disappointments of the past and create for you and yours a meaningful future that is built on respect and full knowledge - this card is only a temporary stall to your future happiness.

Image Voyager Tarot

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