The Eight of Swords is the Lord of Shortened Force and is aligned with Jupiter in Gemini. It represents scattered energy and focus, overthinking and inability to make a decision.
When the Eight of Swords turns up in a reading, it brings an element of confusion, self-doubt and the erroneous belief that there is no way out. You will feel trapped, powerless and somewhat frustrated in your efforts.
Jupiter is about expansion, and placed in Gemini means that there are important choices to be made that will lead to growth which will take some effort and time, since when presented with two equal choices, the twin devils of doubt and indecisiveness step in and halt any progress you might have made.
Look at the card - the woman is trapped in a spiderweb surrounded by eight swords all pointing towards her. But she is blindfolded and the blindfold is of her own making. Do the swords threaten or offer a way to cut the web that binds? The woman doesn't know, she just perceives a threat and is in a state of fear.
This is very much what the swords suit is all about - we always have a choice in which direction we direct our thoughts, and the meanings that we make out of circumstances. On the surface this card looks very menacing, but if she would remove the blindfold from her eyes she would soon see a way out of this dilemma.
The Eight of Swords indicates that the woman is unable to make a choice and therefore is hindered or blocked in her progress. The thing is, that it is her choice, not any conflict that is visited on her by outside forces. There is some effort required, yes, however this card says that if you are determined enough, you can succeed at anything you put your mind to, even when circumstances appear to be against you.
This card advises you to learn the rules, in order to transcend them. Don't be downtrodden by them, but you must understand what they are so that you can move beyond them in a way that is safe and will ensure your success.
Image Voyager Tarot