Ace of Wands

The Ace of Wands is also known as the Root of the Powers of Air and has affinity with Fire. It represents creative energy, inspiration and successful ventures.

When this Ace turns up in a reading, you can be sure that there will be a great deal of energy available to be used to create something new and vital. It could be a new business venture, a new romance or even the arrival of a child.

The spark delivered by the Ace of Wands is highly charged - the Aces contain the most potential power and pure manifestation ability of the Suit to which it belongs.

Fire is creative, volatile, fast and furious, and gives any new idea or project a lift that is needed to get anything new off the ground.

If you have been feeling stuck, unable to get started, and find yourself procrastinating due to uncertainty, or perhaps you have been restless, dissatisfied and bored with routines, you will find that these tendencies soon pass as much energy, motivation and exciting ideas take hold and move you along.

Embarking on an adventure and pursuing a vision are activities favoured by this card - what is your passion? You have the opportunity now to manifest your ideas and dreams into reality.

The Ace of Wands means magic is in the air, and what did not exist previously can now be made manifest - the energy of the heavens is drawn down to earth and made real. Inspiration now can take form and be made a reality.

There is an element of fatedness to this card - it's appearance heralds changes that are initiated by you and yet it is as if you can do no other than to seek the changes you experience. Staying with the old ways is no longer an option for you and move forward and upward you must.

Image Voyager Tarot

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