The High Priestess – II

Known also as the Priestess of the Silver Star and ruled by The Moon, the High Priestess represents deep intuition, secret knowledge and independence.

She is connected to her own inner spring of wisdom, faith and self-sufficiency, and the ordinary deeds and concerns of everyday do not concern or ruffle her.

Her ability to guide her life by her deep sense of knowing and trust in her own foundational authority allows her to be in harmony with life and her willingness to face the hard questions without worry make her an important ally.

This card coincides with your realisation that there is an inner pattern at work in your life, as though some greater intelligence is guiding you along and it is at this time that you will become more acquainted with your unconscious which may be at odds with what your conscious mind desires for you. The unconscious will make itself known to you in dreams, coincidences and uncanny occurences that cannot be written off as mere chance.

Mysteries and secrets are afoot, and there is more going on than you suspect. Your intuition will be especially useful to you here, since you should not rely on appearances alone - they can be deceiving under the influence of the Priestess and the Moon. By the next Full Moon appears, it should shine some light for you in this regard.

When enquiring on your health, this card would indicate that there are aspects of your health that are hidden or not manifested yet. The other aspect of this card in regards to health is that often subsconscious forces may be affecting your health, so it is often helpful to examine the hidden meaning behind any symptoms you are experiencing now. For example, suffering from back pain is generally a metaphor for lack of support - lower back pain is lack of financial support, thoracic back pain is lack or emotional support and so on. Consult a book that is devoted to such subjects, such as You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay or The Body is The Barometer of the Soul by Annette Noontil for ideas.

In relation to career and business, the High Priestess relates to teaching and librarian professions (keeper of knowledge), counseling (confidentiality) and spiritual studies (esoteric knowledge), so if these are your chosen areas then this card will bring you success in those types of careers or businesses. It also indicates that you may come to these career choices later in life, when you have gained maturity and self-confidence to not need the guidance, opinions or good will of others.

Time to examine in what areas of your life you have let others guide you, while ignoring your own innate knowing and intelligence when making decisions which concern you. Water is calming to you now and allows you to meditate more easily in order to connect with your intuition and internal guidance system.

Image Voyager Tarot

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