Known also as the Spirit of Aether and ruled by the Element of Air, the card of The Fool represents stepping into the unknown, taking a chance and trusting in the Universe to provide and look after one. It is time for an adventure, and there is no point trying to stay focused on the mundane and the dull.
This card represents innocence and a bit of naivety, and these qualities are required before being willing to set out on this new adventure. What happens to most of us is that we get so used to playing it safe, knowing that tomorrow will be exactly like today and yesterday with no nasty surprises. This may accomplish a feeling of security and calm that we feel we need but it also kills spontaneity and fun and this is what kills our creativity.
So what we might see as Foolishness, and lack of planning and irresponsibility are in this card the very qualities you require to make the shift in your life that you have been secretly craving.
So when it comes to career, you are in for a change and a big one at that. Now is not the time to play it safe - hover on the brink of uncertainty and you may regret it. You have to step out into the unknown, fully trusting that the bridge will appear under your feet and buoy you along to an adventure that you will look back on in years to come and say - WOW! You may start a new job, relocate or completely change your career now and break away from what you thought you were going to be doing forever. With all such changes, there is an element of risk involved and who can say that it will be a bed of roses? We didn't say it would be safe, we said it would be exciting.
Whatever is unconventional, spontaneous, daring and what it may bring you - that is what is going to bring you joy and happiness.
This is not an ongoing state for you - the energy is available in a short burst to break you out of your prison so take the challenge and see what appears. Whatever comes up for you now it will certainly not be dull!
Image Voyager Tarot