Six of Wands

Aligned with Jupiter in Leo, the Six of Wands promises a successful outcome to any endeavour you are pursuing. In fact, this card is also known as the Lord of Victory.

The feeling bestowed by this card is of being unstoppable and you feel the flow of life at its best.

Harmony, luck, expansion abound, and it is time to step into the limelight and have your moment in the Sun.

If you face any opposition now, you will be unwilling and unable to compromise - you stand your ground and are true to yourself, your value and your vision. It is a time to fully trust your power, that you are on the right path for you, and even though you may face intense opposition this is only because others are afraid that your success will change you and they won't know which particular box to put you in, or which label belongs to you, any more.

You must stay with your truth even if it does cost you some friendships - once you outgrow your surroundings, you either inspire others to reach higher or you leave them behind because they are afraid of the light and of hoping and then failing.

You have taken a great risk in the past and it has paid off handsomely, so there is much to celebrate.

This is no flash in the pan - the victory you experience now and into the next six weeks will set you up for even deeper and more meaningful experiences to build on into your future.

This is indeed a wonderful card to appear, so enjoy it while it lasts!

Image Voyager Tarot

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