Ten of Wands

The Lord of Oppression is aligned with the energy of Saturn in Sagittarius and brings feelings of overwhelm, energy depletion and isolation after effort and success.

The natural enthusiasm and need to expand embodied in the energy of Sagittarius is held in check by Saturn, who wants proof, certainty, everything signed in triplicate and is the antithesis to joyous energy in Sagittarius - in other words, the proverbial wet blanket.

The successes of the past have now become a burden and the responsibility entailed in creation of something that once you looked forward to now appears to be a ball and chain on your ankle. You have no time to create new endeavours, and experience the rush of excitement that always comes with such creations. The weight of what you have already begun appears to crush your spirit and natural enthusiasm, so that looking down the road of your future seems like so much dull and repetitive hard work.

But the thing about the Ten of Wands is that if you can take a look at your so-called burdens from a point outside yourself, that is to be truly objective, you will see that the restrictions are self-imposed and not real at all, at least not if you don't want them to be.

Focus on the amazing journey you have been on, and all that you have achieved along the way - you have come so far and you need to take a moment to appreciate just how far you have come. Give thanks to the opportunities that have graced your door, and release the sense of heaviness that has crept upon you.

Life is always calling with new impulses - it is growth that we all seek in order to survive and thrive, so throw off your shackles, see where you have blocked your own energy and bought into the limitations of others and start to bring in a new energy of possibilities that encompasses and does not destroy in order to have options for new life.

Ask yourself: What will life be like when I am ready to embrace my freedom?

Image Voyager Tarot @thetarotclub.com

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