Known also as the Queen of the Thrones of Air, the Queen of Swords represents mental development, independent, clear thought and intent. She brings grace, perception and rationale to matters that may otherwise descend into an emotional  She personifies inner strength and a quiet fortitude that is born of learning from personal suffering.
She is independent and self-sufficient and so does not need others to fulfill her emotional needs, nor is she easily swayed by emotion or emotional argument. In her best self she is happy and confident and will share her wisdom and strength with anyone she feels who may need or ask for it.
However, as we have seen in other cards of this Suit, the Sword is a two-edged blade. It can be a weapon to harm or defend, or a tool to progress one's plans. Since the Swords deal with thoughts and the mental realm, they always indicate how the thoughts that we choose will dictate the course of our experience.
When this Queen appears in a reading for you, she can represent a woman who is or will be important to you. She is clear-thinking, well-organised and efficient, and she will tell you what you need to do in order to achieve your goals. Where you need help to pursue a fair outcome, she is your champion because her essence is fairness and justice.
She is a strong leader and a fast thinker, and is a good egg to have on your side in a crisis.
When she is not in her right energy, she can become overly critical and intolerant, and can cut people to pieces with her biting wit and sarcasm.
She can be blown about by the winds of change and feel powerless and weak. If this happens it is an indication that she is not honouring her own gifts of intelligence and leadership, and is playing small when she is born to shine. Once she realises this, then the petty opinions of those who are threatened by her or by her own fears, become less of a problem and more of an amusement or a non-issue.
The qualities of this Queen, when brought to your door by such a woman, is a sign that these qualities are important for you to develop to progress forward in your life towards happiness and growth.
Image Voyager Tarot