Two of Pentacles

The Lord of Harmonious Change is a name given to the Two of Pentacles. It is aligned with Jupiter in Capricorn and represents the balancing of resources, harmony and fluctuation.

There are energy and resources available to you for important projects, and so there is a requirement to manage finances to ensure successful completion. There is a need to take calculated risks - neither to play it too safe nor to take a gamble without good reason or expert information.

Jupiter represents expansion, luck and increase, while Capricorn brings responsibility, commonsense and hard work. It indicates great success but only after effort, intelligence and skill are employed.

The judicious use of one's resources is required, which means there may be some juggling of money and time to get to where you need to be. This is a card of potential and not hard and fast rules. The potential exists in the twos to bring great success, but don't forget to plan your success and be prepared to do the work.

As a card of balance the Two of Pentacles refers to the need to obtain and maintain balance in all areas of life. So often we favour one area at the expense of another - for example, career and health. So we spend so much time studying, working long hours, efforting towards some distant goal only to find that the stress and strain puts our health at risk.

This card often brings a major transition to your life, one that requires all of your patience and skill to reap the rewards of expansion and a new equilibrium that you must become accustomed to. It is moving beyond your limited thinking and striving towards a bigger and better life, which should be done with eyes open, enthusiasm and willingness to make major changes that open new possibilities and opportunities.

Ask yourself where you resist change in your life, and what you fear most about change. What can you do now to embrace the changes that life inevitably brings?

Image Voyager Tarot

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