The Sun – XIX

The Sun is also referred to as the Lord of the Fire of the World and astrologically ruled by the Sun. It represents fulfilment, happiness, joy and vitality.

The Sun is vital to life and also represents the life force and the ego. It is the masculine principle of power in Western mythologies, and also can represent the father.

Positive vibrations, the joy and abundance of Summer is delivered with this card. Fortune smiles on whatever question was in your mind when you thought to ask for this reading and so you may look forward to a blessing.

There is success and triumph, coming especially after a time of darkness and trouble. You know how lovely it feels when the Sun emerges from the clouds - it lifts the spirits and warms the Soul and this is the feeling that will come to you now.

This card is a sign of you being in your right energy - or in other words, when events, conversations and connections just seem to flow and are easy. You are willing to please and to be pleased, and any past troubles and irritations are as if they never happened.

You have a renewed sense of optimism - the pattern of your life unfolds before you and gives you real and lasting pleasure. There is a real sense of purpose to your life and things that perplexed you or frustrated you in the recent past are now firmly in the past.

Traditionally this card can bring good news concerning children, or the birth of a special child.

The Sun gives life, but it can also destroy if its rays are not respected but are sought too keenly. There is a reason that our Earth days are apportioned more or less equally between day and night - both halves of the cycle are important. The Sun is the time to be present in the world, to shine and to strive and to achieve, while its opposite, the Moon is to reflect and withdraw and renew one's energy.

So while the Sun is intoxicating in its effects of bliss and joy, be sure to take it in sensible doses and make sure you have your sunscreen handy!

Image Voyager Tarot

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