Strength – XI

Known also as the Daughter of the Flaming Sword and ruled by Leo, the Strength card represents self-empowerment, unconditional love and trust in self.

It is that inner knowing that you know what you stand for, you are comfortable with yourself and you know and honour your value.

Leo is the Lion and represents that proud, wild, instinctual nature that is within us all. The instincts can guide us, but they can also lead us to throw caution to the wind and turn to lust, overuse of power and aggression (based on fear). The maiden on the card is the calming influence, the gentle hand that tames the savage beast within and brings love and confidence and balance to the mix, and the result is beautiful in its gentleness and power. It is the marriage of the Shakti and the Shiva that dissolves the dichotomy of the spirit and matter.

The Strength card asks us to acknowledge and embrace our shortcomings, abilities and our humanity, as well as trust our instincts which come from a place within us that wants to guide us and wants only the best for us. Clearly there is a balance that is needed and finding that balance empowers us with authority and also a sense of peace.

This card reminds us of the real meaning of Strength, not as a show of bravado and rippling biceps, but as a quiet inner fortitude that can out-wait any difficulty and discouragement. It is that quiet place within us all that is confident and patient and kind. This aspect of ourselves knows that love always wins in the end.

Real strength never impairs beauty or harmony, but it often bestows it; and in everything imposingly beautiful, strength has much to do with the magic. - Herman Melville

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