Six of Wands

Also known as the Lord of Victory and aligned with Jupiter in Leo, the Six of Wands represents success, clarity  and desires fulfilled.

Here we have joyful celebration that signifies overcoming adversity and seeing the results of your efforts.  This is the outer acknowledgement from the world of your inner triumph.

Jupiter expands everything it comes into contact with, and placed in Leo - the card of the Ruler - it brings elevation, a special place and the adoration of the masses. Whether this is your actual experience very much depends of course on what you have been efforting in the past. Reward is commensurate with effort and so the harder and more broadly you have been working in the past will determine what degree is your success that is coming.

This is not a card of easy luck - if you have not put in the work then any success you experience now will be mild and short-lived. But if you have started this journey with the right balance of intention, willingness to do what must be done, and a steady belief in your outcome then your success will be even more sweet. They say that fortune favours the brave, and it is those who strive against all odds that reap the greatest rewards, so don't hold back now and be miserly with your efforts - play full out to win full out.

What have you been striving towards? Have you all but given up hope of realising your hopes and dreams? This card arrives to tell you - wait! - you need to look further to the horizon to see that you are about to come into your own and win what you have been striving towards.

Also remember that you must be prepared to receive your good now - know that you are deserving and you will put any resources coming your way now to good use. Do not squander opportunities or rewards but invest them in others to grow them into the future, since this card does not signify permanence in success, there will always inevitably ups and downs, but while there are ups then look to your future security and happiness and how you can help to ensure it.

Image Voyager

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