The Knight of Wands is known as Lord of the Flame and Lightning and King of the Spirits of Fire. He represents fiery enthusiasm, impatience and dynamic change.
The Knight of Wands is the essence of Fire making its way in the world. Â How does the Element of Fire make its presence felt? It is boldly, brashly, bravely and sometimes in a foolhardy way.
As with all the Knights, this one brings movement, and traditionally he represents a change of residence, although he can also bring a change in  career or travel.
When this Knight turns up as a person, he is ambitious, adventurous, exciting and will turn your life upside down, especially if you have been living in a measured and safe way. He may be a young man or an older man who hasn't quite grown up.
He can be extremely unreliable and foolhardy and be inclined to action without thought for the consequences. One thing is for certain, and that is that you will not find him dull and you will never be bored with the energy accompanying his entrance.
He can make promises that he is unable or unwilling to keep - I guess he has a short attention span and is always moving towards the next horizon to be conquered.
He can also herald a time in your life where you need to take risks, leave the comfort of your safe harbour behind you and strike out on your own adventure. Where in your life have you been stifled and stuck in a rut? This Knight will show you the vastness and excitement of new horizons - he indicates a restlessness and a disregard for convention and fear of the future.
One must also remember the creative potential in the Fire Element represented by the Suit of Wands, and the potential that this Knight has for bringing in new ideas and new forms can shake up the World, and in a good way.
Image Voyager Tarot