Knight of Cups

Known also as the Lord of the Waves and the Water, the Knight of Cups represents desires, wishes and the seeds of transformation. So at the deepest level, the Knight of Cups represents dealing with one's emotional needs. The Knights always represent movement of some kind, and Cups ruling the emotional realm, there must be some change or progress in terms of emotional maturity.

He represents the Knights of the Holy Grail, who searched across many lands and faced many unknown dangers to follow a spiritual ideal - this individual is someone who is idealistic, creative and sensitive. As a lover he is romantic, attentive and reflects back to you what you most desire - it is the blossoming of the potential of true love and it is intoxicating.

Understanding emotions, learning how to master them and to not be governed and thrown hither and thither by them, is the lesson in this card.

The energy of this Knight will bring you opportunities to learn more about your emotional responses in the world and how to control and use them for your benefit. Rather than be carried away by passion, which is the first impulse when this energy arises, this card seeks a gentler and more soulful expression of emotion - chiefly love and desire.

Traditionally, this Knight may bring romantic offers, proposals, first dates - the Knight of Cups represents the chivalraic energy of poetic love, admiration and adulation from a distance and the romantic gesture, but it can also bring news of creative work offers and interesting opportunities to develop artistic talents.

This card can also refer to a spiritual awakening or message that reaches you and inspires you to follow what truly has heart and meaning for you, and removes you from the tyranny of 'shoulds' that so many of us are burdened by.

When this card shows up for you, there is a desire to express and experience more passion and romance in your life.

Image Voyager Tarot

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