Five of Wands

The Five of Wands is sometimes called the Lord of Strife and is aligned with Saturn in Leo. It represents striving in vain, challenges and competition.

Leo's natural energy and exuberance is blocked by Saturn's heavy slowness and the result is a stagnation and frustration. You want to get moving but you feel thwarted at every turn. Five is the number of conflict, and the conflict stems from your own inner reluctance to do what needs to be done for fear of losing something that you are yet unwilling to part with.

And this shows up in the external world as people who want to challenge you and in power struggles, especially in the work place. You are being called on to use skill, subtlety and creativity to move you to the next level and yet because you are resisting this change it is as if the world is forcing you to act by being disagreeable.

It is time to look at the situation dispassionately, with a clear vision of where you want to be and then removing from your life those relationships, attitudes and beliefs that are hindering your progress. Time to let go of sentimentality and needing to be right at all costs.

There maybe a pattern of suppressing anger and if this is the case then it is important to resolve the causes of this, which often requires a deep look at where you have been disappointed in life and also of recognising if there has been a tendency to avoid conflicts and put off dealing with issues to clear the air. The energy may be suppressed for a time, but it doesn't really go anywhere - it builds up and eventually erupts and so will often create even more problems and entanglements than if the original situation had been dealt with cleanly.

Clear out your closets - both physical and metaphorical - to free up the energies that have been stagnating around you and watch the return of flow into your life.

Image Voyager Tarot

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