Eight of Wands

Known also as the Lord of Swiftness and aligned with Mercury in Sagittarius, the Eight of Wands brings clear and fast communication which allows overcoming misunderstandings and the success you have been working towards.

Mercury is the communicator and in expansive Sagittarius it means your whole world is about to open up. Communication is so important in all areas of our lives, that the ability to communicate well is a sure precursor of success.

When we fail to communicate clearly and openly, then blocks appear in our lives that prevent us from gaining the good will and understanding of those who can assist us with our plans - so if that has been your experience lately, then you now have the opportunity and willingness to be more open and direct and make real progress, and quickly.

There may have been some reluctance to state your truth directly for fear of reprisal or judgement - it is time to state your beliefs and plans authentically and plainly.  If you have not been acknowledging your own strength because it frightened you, it is time to put such thoughts behind you.

Travel is often indicated by this card, and momentum that carries you forward and along. Things will now be happening at lightening speed and so there is a danger of overwhelm and burnout - make sure you take some little time in each day to recharge your batteries and you will handle this time happily and with gratitude for the excitement and change that you have been craving.

If, on the other hand, you come up against delays and breakdowns and misunderstandings, it is a sign that you are not allowing the energy to flow - take a look at where you are restricting yourself and reverse it.  The true energy of this card is telling you that you need to let go of your fears and embrace the changes that are yours for the taking, and your life will be so much more enriched and exciting because of that.

It is time to set your sails for success and head out into your promising future

Image Voyager Tarot @thetarotclub.com

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