Ace of Wands

The Ace of Wands is also called the Root of the Powers of Fire and represents transformation, new beginnings, travel and messages from afar. It quickens the pace of your life and brings exciting possibilities and new ideas of creativity.

There is a sense of restlessness and a need for change that may manifest as itchy feet and a desire to get moving, to travel or to change jobs. You are aware now that new things are possible - just what those new things are though, are not always apparent just yet.

Obstacles that have previously prevented you from moving forward can now be blasted away - the energy delivered by this card is second only to The Sun, and that's a lot of power. It is important to channel this power into doing something that has meaning and heart for you since if you allow this into your life it can act like a power generator and your passion and enthusiasm will keep this fire burning bright for many months to come.

New projects and associations are in the air and you are gifted with many new and exciting ideas and possibilities. This may inspire you to study new skills as they will be needed for your future success.

The Aces are the most potent of all the Minor Arcana cards, and it really is an opportunity to take the power inherent in this Ace and make a bang! out of it, now is not the time to be idle or stall or procrastinate. This energy is powerful, yes, but the phase will pass and you don't want to miss the opportunity to make your mark now.

Traditionally, all sorts of new things are embodied in the Ace of Wands - new ideas, new relationships, new ways of living, new projects, new healthy habits, sometimes even the birth of child can be preceded by this card.

Your world is about to be shaken up, and in a good way!

"I am a part of all that I have met; Yet all experience is an arch wherethro' Gleams that untravelled world whose margin fades For ever and for ever when I move." - Ulysses, Alfred Lord Tennyson

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