Two of Pentacles

The esoteric name of this card is the Lord of Harmonious Change and is aligned with Jupiter in Capricorn - the Two of Pentacles heralds a welcome change. Jupiter represents luck and expansiveness and placed in the sign of Capricorn means security and stability that is long lasting. It also means that change is coming, but in a good way, so be prepared!

Being a Two, this card also represents the need to balance one's options and choices. There will be a weighing up of what is the most advantageous road to take. There is a juggling of responsibilities perhaps, a need to multitask and keep more than one project going at the same time.

There is also an indication that you need to put your resources to work - you have to put some skin in the game, and spend little to make more. Investing in yourself, in your ideas and in your future.

You may have been playing it small and safe lately - this card is calling you to make some significant changes, embrace something new and out of your comfort zone, and reap the benefits of doing so. You are capable of being so much more than you have allowed yourself, and it is time for you to expand and become more of who you are.

This card can also herald an inner restlessness, and a need to find out where you are wanting to expand your energies and discover out of that new opportunities.

What are you clinging to now in your life that, by letting go, would open up a whole new world for you?

Image Voyager Tarot

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