The Hermit – IX

The Hermit is ruled by Virgo, he is the Wise Man who beckons The Fool and leads him to the most inner regions of his psyche - for a woman, this card is also the Animus, who yields depths of spiritual wisdom that enriches her whole being.

This is an important card to draw - it speaks of the need to withdraw, to seek solace and wisdom in your Soul because the world can sometimes be a confusing and deceptive place, when all you want is to find a pure and true answer. And yet for all that it is a very positive card.

This card indicates you are about to go on an important journey, not to another land, but to the vast interior of your own self, wherein lie all the answers. Courage is needed, and trust in self.

Your travels begin in hope, but you must endure the darkness before you come out again into the light, and come out again you will. Be true to yourself, and meditate on The Hermit's guidance and careful quiet wisdom which you will hear if you just listen.

You need to tie up loose ends in your life, make sure there is no room for misunderstandings and errors.

This is a time when you will shun your normal sources of diversion and pursuits, and activities that once amused you will emerge again with a vitality and joy that you forgot you ever possessed.

Surround yourself with people who have an empathetic understanding and intelligence, and will not burden your mind with well-intentioned but ultimately useless advice.

The foundations of your future are being forged now, so appreciate and enjoy this time you get to spend rebuilding your inner world. It is like getting to know yourself all over again, and you are so much more than you thought you were. Don't be frustrated with lack of progress and excitement - this is not the time for that.

Surround yourself with warm and caring souls who don't challenge or confront you but let you be who you need to be now.

Keep your own counsel, don't share your plans with others who can wither and dry them up and have you questioning yourself, with a raised eyebrow or a mocking smile.

A good time to bring more beauty and balance and calm into your life - also a great time to get back to nature and just BE!

Image Voyager Tarot

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