Ten of Wands

Known also as the Lord of Oppression and aligned with Saturn in Sagittarius, the Ten of Wands represents energy held back, and a sense of overwhelm-ment.

Sagittarius wants expansiveness while Saturn wants safety, so you have two opposite forces at work which results in tension and feelings of frustration.

The number ten is the culmination of the energy of the Suit and since Wands is fire, this is the fire banking or starting to die down, having already peaked.

There has been a huge effort put in towards a worthy goal, and success as well, however now, at the other side of achievement and reaching what you have strived for, there is now a feeling of deflation and the low mood that comes with not having something else to tackle with your wit and your strength.

Fear is blocking you from making plans towards your next adventure, your next goal (which is what you need to be doing), and you are stuck in a twilight realm with no sense of direction and no burst of inspiration to urge you on. A feeling of ennui pervades your mind and emotions, and if you focus on what is missing instead of what is possible then you will be stuck here for some time.

There is a feeling of being weighed down by the burdens you have been shouldering for too long, and it seems the easy choice to just give up. You know that's no solution however.

You need to withdraw your mind from the challenge and the burden, restore your sense of balance and rejuvenate your spirit. What can you do now to nourish and rebuild your good humour and your energy that will give you the space to regather your spirits?

Find out where you have been stifling your creativity and then give yourself permission to express  what really moves you.

Image Voyager Tarot @thetarotclub.com

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