Seven of Cups

Known also as the Lord of Illusionary Success and aligned with Venus in Scorpio, the Seven of Cups brings a sense of dissatisfaction amidst an abundance of choices.

You have gotten everything that you have fought for, and now that you have your choice of prizes you find that you don't want what is on offer - so what do you want? If you find out, let me know!

It may be that the choices presented to you are not really tangible and may disappear as you reach for them. This is not the time to make an informed choice - best to wait it out until you are feeling more grounded and sure of what you want. Making a decision towards something that you're not sure of will only lead to further disappointment.

There are some powerful unconscious energies at work, and what you try to achieve now will either not come to pass, or if it does, then it will not last. The unconscious is a powerful enigma - we don't understand what it's up to until much later when our conscious plans are lying in the dust. But things have a way of working out anyway, especially if you don't try to force an outcome.

You may feel compelled to make a quick decision, but all of the information is not in just yet, so you will need to take a wild guess, rely on your intuition or wait it out until the best choice makes itself known. I'd put my money on the third choice.

You have the opportunity to look at where you have been disappointed emotionally - work out what your part in this was so that you can now put it behind you.

“Disappointment to a noble soul is what cold water is to burning metal; it strengthens, tempers, intensifies, but never destroys it.” - Eliza Tabor

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